North Star Group


Welcome to the North Star Group website. Using the links above you can view information on our two continuing Companies, back-issues of the "North Star News", summaries of North Star prices and Financial Reports from 2009 to 2014.

You may also view again the important Management Letter sent out in September 2016.

If you have any comments on this website, or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.

With our Best Wishes

Mogens Kjøller-Petersen      

The following ticker values are UNOFFICIAL advisory share values on the date stated. They are NOT intended to be dealing prices.

OFFICIAL month end values are given in the two individual Fund sections which may be accessed above.

Please refresh your browser to be sure you are not viewing prices cached on your computer.

June 30, 2018 ---- North Star International Investment Fund: DKK Bid: 165   Offer: 166 ---- EUR Bid: 22.14    Offer: 22.27 ---- USD Bid: 25.81    Offer: 25.97 ---- GBP Bid: 19.62    Offer: 19.74 ----------- North Star Mixed International Investment Fund: EUR Bid: 98    Offer: 99 ---- DKK Bid: 730.35     Offer: 737.80 ---- USD Bid: 114.25    Offer: 115.41 ---- GBP Bid: 86.83    Offer: 87.72 ---- SEK Bid: 1024.33    Offer: 1034.78